February Special - Skin Tag/Mole removal Fnd up, per lesion will apply toward treatment cost if performed.
Mole Removal Before After Click on image to enlarge
Cosmetic removal of moles is one of the most popular cosmetic dermatology procedures today. Although most people refer to any non-acne bump on the skin as a "mole," many different varieties of skin lesions existvariety of techniques to remove moles. The technique depends on the diagnosis and the severity of the condition.
Skin tags removed by laser.
Face Skin Tags removal before after Click on image to enlarge
Fortunately, we have a number of safe and non-invasive ways to remove unsightly growths, especially on the face or sensitive areas of the body. Different growths need different procedures, so it's important to discuss the pros and cons of each method with your doctor before you decide to take the plunge. One of the most popular and advanced methods for removal of a non cancerous skin growth in cosmetic sensetive areas of the body is blade-free Radiosurgery.
Chin Mole Removal Before After Click on image to enlarge
Blade-free Radiosurgery is a safe and stress-free way to remove benign skin lesions. Radio waves replace a scalpel to make a bloodless, micro-smooth incision. Instead of pressure or cutting, with radiosurgery, high-frequency sound does the job using a programmable wand-like instrument.
With radiosurgery, you have reduced risk of significant scarring because it causes minimal damage to the surrounding skin. Radiosurgery is especially useful for treating the face. For many patients, the injection of a small amount of anesthetic is the only discomfort they feel.
Dermatosis papulosa nigra click on image to enlarge
Moles, skin tags, warts, and other raised lesions, as well as sun spots and facial veins can all be treated with radiosurgery. After the procedure, all that remains of the original lesion is a raw, smooth, but non-bleeding area. A scab forms, and within two weeks the scab is replaced with a fresh layer of healthy skin that is the same color as the surrounding tissue.
axillar mole before after Click on image to enlarge
Mole removed by radiosurgery in right lower corner of the picture.
Why remove a mole?
Most people with facial moles feel a bit self-conscious about them. Removing those lumps isn't about vanity; it's about a boost to confidence and self-esteem. Another reason to remove moles, cysts, warts, and skin tags is that in some cases they can be painful or restrict normal movement.
nose mole before and after radiosurgery removal click on image to enlarge
Health concerns are an even more important consideration. Skin cancer is always a danger with mole-like lesions that are multicolored or irregular in shape. While most simple moles are benign (non-cancerous), it's a good idea to have lesions removed and tested.
Whether your moles make you worry about skin cancer, or just make you frown an make the process of removing moles relatively simple, fast, and pain free.
Mole removal before after Click on image to enlarge
Is the procedure painful?
For many patients, the injection of small amount of anesthetic is the only discomfort they feel.
Please treat all the areas as follows:
1. For the next 7-10 days, wash the areas that were treated at least 1-2 times per day with Baby soap and water. (Sometimes the physician will want you to use a special type of covering for a week. If so, follow those special instructions.)
2. After washing, apply a thick layer of Aquaphor ointment or Vaseline that is over the counter. This will not only be soothing, but will also help the area to heal and minimize chances of skin infection.
3. The area must be kept moist with recommended ointment by applying it 2-3 times per day. Keep treated area covered with sterile gauze/band aid until it heals (about 5-10 days).
4. Never apply gauze or band aid to the wound without recommended ointment since it may cause gauze/ band aid adhesion to the wound and wound’s poor healing.
5. You will note redness and minor swelling around the area where the lesion was removed. This is to be expected. However, streaks of red leading away from the area or progression of redness and/ or swelling and pain or pus like discharge might signal an infection. If you see these changes and their worsening from day to day, please call the doctor right away.
6. Remember that any and all lesions can return. If a particular abnormality was removed and appears to come back or looks changed or different, please return to the physician for a follow-up examination.